Sifteam 1.9.4 DM500 CCcam 2.1.1+NewCs 1.66 Full Motor Backup By Ferret

Use DreamUP Only To Flash This Image

ATTENTION MOTOR IMAGE: GotoX is turned off to avoid your motor moving after flashing leave the lnb cable out start your Dreambox and configure GotoX with your usuals coordinates and save. Shutdown and reconnect you LNB cable.

Based On Sifteam 1.9.4.

Default Language English.

Defalut Skin .

EMU Installed.

CCcam 2.1.1+NewCs 1.66 CCcam 2.1.1 used as this is the latest stable CCcam.

CCcam Config simplified and usable mod by Ferret.

Plug-ins-Addons Installed.

CCcam info
Needs Configuring to run your IP ect.

Full Motor Channel List With Favourites Bouquets For Most Providers Added by Ferret & MikeP

Modified image to give improved channel list view in a 3 row format

Tested 24hrs on Original & Clone DM500