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Konu: DVBviewer Pro Full Sürümler.

  1. #1
    serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Sep 2007
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    Tecrübe Puanı

    DVBviewer Pro Full Sürümler.

    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !


    DVBviewer Pro v5.6.0

    İndirme linki aşağıdadır.

    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !

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    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !
    Konu serkanguzel tarafından (12-10-2019 Saat 07:44 ) değiştirilmiştir.
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    Geneli ingilendiren sorulara PM'den yanıt veremiyorum. Katılımcıların yararlanabilmesi için,
    sorularımızı açık alandan sormaya özen göstermeliyiz. Anlayışınız için şimdiden teşekkürler.

  2. The Following 72 Users Say Thank You to serkanguzel For This Useful Post:

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    1907amigo (23-07-2017), abe_yeneli (26-04-2018), ahmet0021 (11-10-2016), akelon (30-07-2017), akfik69 (16-06-2017), Alberto69 (29-01-2023), altundag (18-08-2019), anottr (27-04-2017), aokcu (25-09-2016), arli (29-01-2021), aysman (27-10-2020), bozkırlı (11-03-2017), btioyo98 (12-01-2020), burgutex (01-01-2017), caldiran (04-10-2016), catakli28 (19-09-2016), cesur22 (30-01-2017), commando (19-04-2021), csakilee (03-02-2020), daymoon (08-09-2019), DeeJay (04-02-2025), dijitalxyz (25-04-2021), donjuan (08-01-2017), drejm (03-11-2016), ec1905 (05-02-2017), erbaser (25-02-2017), erdem5k (09-02-2017), EZMoor (04-02-2019), farukii (04-02-2018), fevzi (02-12-2017), fikobeg (20-12-2016), free2144 (23-01-2017), gasoline (02-01-2017), gezgin69 (04-03-2017), gunes1010 (06-12-2016), hackers_kral (26-04-2018), hakaner-ay (20-08-2017), hhturk (24-03-2018), hsmole (24-07-2017), magician (19-09-2016), malkocoglu3 (28-10-2020), marck120 (18-06-2022), memoli55 (13-05-2018), Mjollnir (18-04-2017), mohameddarwish (29-08-2024), montevo (27-05-2017), nasre (05-11-2019), nokia (28-12-2021), nuh (24-06-2019), omur_ (26-10-2016), rezaazimi (28-06-2017), roket2 (23-06-2017), Romanson (28-10-2016), Salih.özkoc35 (26-01-2017), SASLAR (22-01-2022), sertruskawki (13-08-2017), seryil (01-10-2016), sistem1923 (17-03-2018), skove22 (11-02-2017), sky24 (14-04-2017), sonyz1 (28-06-2017), sultz (26-06-2019), surmeneli21 (13-01-2021), tartar10 (01-08-2017), tekniker_2 (25-01-2018), temhem (08-12-2018), tertip77 (09-01-2019), weir (31-08-2017), ylnz09 (04-02-2018), yusuf_doglu (14-08-2017), zekten (05-11-2016), _DRAGON_ (12-10-2016)

  3. #2
    serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
    Sep 2007
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    Tecrübe Puanı
    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !

    DVBViewer Pro v5.6.1

    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !

    Eğer ilk mesajda verilen v5.6.0 sürümünü kurduysanız, aşağıdaki Suite_Setup 1.0.4 dosyasını indirip, "kurulum bilgileri" dosyasında açıklandığı şekilde v5.6.1 kurulumunu tamamlayınız.
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    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !

    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !

    Eğer ilk mesajdaki v5.6.0 sürümü kurulu değilse, aşağıdaki dosya ile v5.6.1 sürümünü direkt kurunuz ;
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    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !

    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !

    DVBViewer Pro v5.6.1 sürümünü orijinal lisans'ı ile kurmak istiyorsanız, bu dosya ile de kurabilirsiniz ;
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    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !
    Konu serkanguzel tarafından (13-05-2022 Saat 22:31 ) değiştirilmiştir.
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    Geneli ingilendiren sorulara PM'den yanıt veremiyorum. Katılımcıların yararlanabilmesi için,
    sorularımızı açık alandan sormaya özen göstermeliyiz. Anlayışınız için şimdiden teşekkürler.

  4. The Following 76 Users Say Thank You to serkanguzel For This Useful Post:

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    a.anti (19-11-2016), Aayhan (27-07-2017), ahmet0021 (11-10-2016), akfik69 (16-06-2017), anottr (27-04-2017), Antonioni (26-11-2016), aokcu (25-09-2016), arasmus (03-05-2017), arli (29-01-2021), aysman (23-09-2017), bozkırlı (11-03-2017), btioyo98 (21-01-2020), burgutex (01-01-2017), caldiran (04-10-2016), carciofo13 (29-11-2016), catakli28 (19-09-2016), champion88 (24-05-2017), ckk (07-11-2016), commando (24-10-2016), csakilee (21-06-2017), DeeJay (04-02-2025), dijitalxyz (25-04-2021), donjuan (15-01-2017), drejm (29-10-2016), ec1905 (05-02-2017), emrullah93 (09-11-2016), erbaser (25-02-2017), erdem5k (09-02-2017), erdinch80 (22-12-2016), escan (11-11-2016), EZMoor (04-02-2019), fatsy (22-08-2019), fevzi (02-12-2017), fikobeg (20-12-2016), free2144 (23-01-2017), gasoline (02-01-2017), gunes1010 (06-12-2016), hakaner-ay (20-08-2017), hotbord_34 (20-05-2016), hsmole (29-04-2017), irfanyu (22-09-2016), jonjon (28-03-2017), karciliadem (06-12-2016), lazusagu (09-11-2016), marck120 (18-06-2022), mehtosun (28-08-2017), Mjollnir (18-04-2017), mohameddarwish (29-08-2024), montevo (27-05-2017), pascal123 (21-03-2017), RapArmy (03-10-2016), realmadrid (02-04-2018), rezaazimi (06-08-2017), Rizz (14-05-2017), Romanson (28-10-2016), sabridunegul (19-01-2017), Salih.özkoc35 (26-01-2017), SASLAR (22-01-2022), savasan (08-04-2017), sertruskawki (13-08-2017), shtlx (09-07-2017), sincy1 (03-02-2017), sistem1923 (17-03-2018), skove22 (11-02-2017), snr25 (27-05-2020), tartar10 (14-11-2016), tekniker_2 (25-01-2018), tokersari (11-12-2016), vvasi (13-11-2016), weir (31-08-2017), xpto25 (24-05-2020), ylnz09 (25-03-2018), yusuf_doglu (14-08-2017), zekten (05-11-2016), zubrvideo (18-12-2016), _DRAGON_ (12-10-2016)

  5. #3
    hotbord_34 biraz daha puan alirsa yaralı olacak uye hotbord_34 biraz daha puan alirsa yaralı olacak uye hotbord_34 - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    Bende yukledim son sayfadaki linkteki hata veriyor bende de crak hatası veriyor hiç açılmıyor 560 üzerine yukledim calismadi

  6. Likes ec1905 liked this post
  7. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to hotbord_34 For This Useful Post:

    dijitalxyz (25-04-2021), ec1905 (05-02-2017), sistem1923 (17-03-2018), tekniker_2 (25-01-2018)

  8. #4
    serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
    Sep 2007
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    Tecrübe Puanı
    Alıntı hotbord_34´isimli üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
    Bende yukledim son sayfadaki linkteki hata veriyor bende de crak hatası veriyor hiç açılmıyor 560 üzerine yukledim calismadi
    Önce link'e gidiniz ve ilk mesajda anlatıldığı şekilde esaslı temizlik yapınız ;
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    Ya da temizliği şu video'daki gibi de yapabilirsiniz ;
    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Sonra, bu konu başlığında 2nci mesaj içinde, 3ncü sırada verilen dosyayı indirip, dosya notlarına bakarak kurulumu tamamlayınız. Orijinal lisans bilgileri ile kurulmaktadır.

    Kolay gelsin.
    Konu serkanguzel tarafından (06-07-2019 Saat 10:03 ) değiştirilmiştir.
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    Geneli ingilendiren sorulara PM'den yanıt veremiyorum. Katılımcıların yararlanabilmesi için,
    sorularımızı açık alandan sormaya özen göstermeliyiz. Anlayışınız için şimdiden teşekkürler.

  9. Likes ec1905 liked this post
  10. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to serkanguzel For This Useful Post:

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    azimli (22-05-2016), dijitalxyz (25-04-2021), ec1905 (26-12-2016), hotbord_34 (21-05-2016), qazwsx (04-06-2016), Salih.özkoc35 (27-01-2017), serefsapan (02-05-2019), sistem1923 (17-03-2018), tekniker_2 (25-01-2018), x 1 (03-02-2023), zekten (05-11-2016)

  11. #5
    serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !


    DVBViewer Pro v6.0.2

    Orijinal dosyadır.

    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !

    Orijinal DVBViewer Pro v6.0.2 exe dosyasıdır ;
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    [CENTER]En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !

    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !

    Programı kurun, crack'li DVBViewer.exe dosyası ile yer değiştirin ve işletim sisteminize uygun *.reg dosyası ile kayıt yapınız. ( Windows 10 Pro 64 bit ve Windows 7 Pro 64 bit sürümlerinde çalıştığı raporlanmıştır. )
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    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !
    Konu serkanguzel tarafından (12-10-2019 Saat 07:47 ) değiştirilmiştir.
    Doğru bilginin adresi...

    Geneli ingilendiren sorulara PM'den yanıt veremiyorum. Katılımcıların yararlanabilmesi için,
    sorularımızı açık alandan sormaya özen göstermeliyiz. Anlayışınız için şimdiden teşekkürler.

  12. Likes commando, akelon, ec1905, ViaHussun, marck120 liked this post
  13. The Following 47 Users Say Thank You to serkanguzel For This Useful Post:

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    a.anti (29-07-2017), abe_yeneli (26-04-2018), akelon (30-07-2017), akfik69 (03-05-2018), aksumetin (15-07-2017), aysman (23-09-2017), beyazsoy (22-06-2018), btioyo98 (21-01-2020), commando (23-06-2017), csakilee (21-06-2017), DeeJay (04-02-2025), dijitalxyz (25-04-2021), ec1905 (20-03-2018), EZMoor (23-06-2017), farukii (05-02-2018), fatsy (22-08-2019), gezgin69 (02-06-2018), hackers_kral (26-04-2018), hakaner-ay (20-08-2017), hhturk (24-03-2018), hsmole (10-10-2017), irfanyu (01-08-2017), marck120 (18-06-2022), mehtosun (28-08-2017), mohameddarwish (29-08-2024), montevo (09-02-2022), nasre (25-08-2017), Neblinio (22-08-2017), PrijuvaN2001 (15-05-2018), realmadrid (02-04-2018), rezaazimi (07-08-2017), Rizz (24-06-2017), Romanson (21-07-2017), serefsapan (28-07-2017), sertruskawki (13-08-2017), Sesaru (04-12-2017), shtlx (07-09-2017), sistem1923 (17-03-2018), skorpios268 (14-07-2017), skove22 (22-09-2017), snr25 (27-05-2020), tartar10 (01-08-2017), tekniker_2 (25-01-2018), ViaHussun (25-08-2018), vvasi (20-06-2017), yusuf_doglu (14-08-2017), zyadas (30-07-2017)

  14. #6
    serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
    Sep 2007
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    Tecrübe Puanı
    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !

    DVBViewer Pro v6.0.3

    Change Log DVBViewer Pro 6.0.3

    Change: General: Default configuration files including the transponder lists shipped with DVBViewer are not stored in the installation folder anymore, but in the Default sub-directory.
    Change: Main Window: When the DVBViewer main window is restored from the minimized state all other minimized DVBViewer windows are also restored. Previously each window had to be restored separately.
    Added: File Playback: Jumping to the previous/next chapter, if a MKV file contains chapter markers.
    Added: File Playback: Tweak “Use chapters for Previous/Next actions” (see Tweaker.exe). Applies to DVD and MKV playback, provided chapter markers are present. Enables jumping to chapters instead of 1 minute back/forward. The default is “on”.
    Change: File Playback: The default playback method for DVBViewer Media Server recordings from another PC is now “Media Server Streaming” except for recordings with UNC path (also see “Method for playing remote recordings” setting in Tweaker.exe). Streaming allows DVBViewer to access the recordings without network shares.
    Fix: Teletext Window: Teletext pages saved as .bmp or .png were rendered with too large characters overlapping each other if the Windows text size was greater than 100% (see here).
    Added: Teletext Window: Tweak “Width of saved teletext images” (see Tweaker.exe) for specifying the width of teletext images saved as .png or .bmp in pixels. The height is scaled accordingly.
    Change: Channel Logos: Enhanced handling that uses less memory. Please note: On next channel logo access the file ChannelLogos.ini (containing logo → channel assignments) is converted to a more efficient format and stored as ChannelLogos2.ini.
    Added: Channel Logo Options: New “Default Logo” context menu item that resets the selected logo → channel assignment to its default. It does the same as the Reset button, but for a single entry.
    Fix: Channel Logo Options: Cancel did not undo changed logo → channel assignments.
    Fix: Timer Recording Window: After opening the Window the currently played channel was assigned to the channel field in the input area, not the channel of the selected timer recording (see here).
    Fix: EPG Window: The timeline view was restricted to displaying the EPG only one week ahead (see here). The keyboard shortcut for opening the Timer Recording Window did not work correctly. It is now Ctrl+M.
    Fix: OSD: The OSD menu timeout set on Options → OSD General did not work anymore (since 6.0.2, see here).
    Fix: Actions: Missing entries in the file actions.ini (see installation directory), particularly “Video Window 1” and “Radio Window”. The former “Hide All” entry has been renamed to “Video Window 2” (see here).
    Fix: Hardware: DVB Tuner allocation did not work correctly in case of competing access to hybrid tuners and tuners that were configured for “Shared LNB”. They were used simultaneously though they shouldn't. (since 6.0.2).
    Fix: COM Interface: Deleting favorites with the RemoveFavorite function did not work correctly (see here).
    Change: TS Stream: Enhanced Handling of relative paths in URLs. Required for playing certain HLS streams.
    Updated: Default channel lists for internet TV / Radio in \Default\Channels\.directory.

    Windows 10 64bit ve Windows 7 64bit sürümlerinde çalıştığı raporlanmıştır.

    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !

    Orijinal DVBViewer_Pro_setup_6.0.3.exe dosyası ve crack dosyaları.
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    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !
    Konu serkanguzel tarafından (12-10-2019 Saat 07:47 ) değiştirilmiştir.
    Doğru bilginin adresi...

    Geneli ingilendiren sorulara PM'den yanıt veremiyorum. Katılımcıların yararlanabilmesi için,
    sorularımızı açık alandan sormaya özen göstermeliyiz. Anlayışınız için şimdiden teşekkürler.

  15. The Following 63 Users Say Thank You to serkanguzel For This Useful Post:

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    a.anti (15-09-2017), abe_yeneli (26-04-2018), akfik69 (03-05-2018), aksumetin (11-09-2017), aysman (23-09-2017), beyazsoy (14-06-2018), Bilinmeyen (08-09-2017), BlackEagle (26-02-2018), bulentster (11-06-2018), caldiran (15-02-2018), commando (08-09-2017), csakilee (15-05-2018), DeeJay (04-02-2025), denny (26-01-2018), dijitalxyz (13-01-2018), ec1905 (24-12-2017), erdinch80 (13-10-2017), EZMoor (08-09-2017), farukii (04-02-2018), fobko (19-02-2018), gezgin69 (09-10-2017), hackers_kral (26-04-2018), hhturk (24-03-2018), hotbord_34 (07-09-2017), hsmole (10-10-2017), irfanyu (13-01-2018), jonjon (17-11-2017), marck120 (18-06-2022), mehtosun (20-03-2018), mikael (28-08-2018), mohameddarwish (29-08-2024), montevo (09-02-2022), Mustii19 (27-03-2018), mystic (12-02-2018), nuh (03-03-2018), parmaksız (18-11-2017), pascal123 (19-10-2017), PrijuvaN2001 (15-05-2018), rezaazimi (29-09-2017), Rizz (16-09-2017), Romanson (11-10-2017), saddougui (14-05-2018), sadrazamsd (18-03-2018), sduman (11-02-2019), serefsapan (07-09-2017), SEVMEK46 (22-04-2018), shtlx (26-12-2017), sincy1 (24-09-2017), sistem1923 (17-03-2018), skorpios268 (05-12-2017), skove22 (17-09-2017), stfa (14-08-2019), sultz (16-05-2018), tans65 (25-02-2018), tartar10 (14-10-2017), tekniker_2 (23-01-2018), ViaHussun (25-08-2018), vvasi (08-09-2017), x 1 (25-08-2018), ylnz09 (04-02-2018), yusuf_doglu (14-12-2017), zyadas (08-09-2017), _DRAGON_ (08-01-2018)

  16. #7
    serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
    Üyelik tarihi
    Sep 2007
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    Tecrübe Puanı
    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !

    DVBViewer Pro v6.1.2

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Change Log DVBViewer Pro v6.1.2
    • Removed: Recording: Writing the EPG data of recordings as NTFS file properties has been dropped. However, reading file properties on recording data base updates (if there is no EPG information file) is still supported.
    • Fix: Timer Recordings Window: Timers could not be edited if the channel was excluded by the filter options of the channel list on the left.
    • Fix: Timer Recordings Window:The timer end time was not displayed if the additional follow-up time exceeded midnight (e.g. 23:55 + 10 minutes).
    • Fix: Timer Recordings- and EPG-Window: Up/Down buttons in time input fields were displayed too wide if Windows was configured for a large text size (see [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]).
    • Fix: EPG Window: The “EPG at...” tab did not respond to time selection (e.g. the Now button) if it displayed search results.
    • Added: EPG Window: A pipe character '|' between search items is interpreted as a logical OR, which means, a search for Tom|Jim|Joe will yield search results that contain the name Tom, Jim or Joe. As before blanks between search items are interpreted as logical AND. Thus a search for Tom Jim Joe yields results that contain all three names. AND and OR can be combined: Tom Jim|Joe yields results that contain Tom and Jim or Joe.
    • Change/Fix: EPG: New strategy for handling arriving EPG data in relation to already present data that enhances the EPG update behavior. Additionally potential access violations after EPG data deletion were fixed.
    • Fix/Change: TV/Radio Options: Channel switching with the mouse wheel (see Options → Input → Mouse) only caused MiniEPG changes if “Browse in MiniEPG” was enabled. The “Browse in MiniPG” and “Channel plus/minus switching delay” settings are not mutual exclusive anymore, so the latter can be enabled for channel switching with the mouse even if “Browse in MiniEPG” is enabled for channel switching via keyboard.
    • Change: Wake on LAN: DVBViewer now sends the WOL magic packet via all available network cards (previously the choice was up to Windows), in order to avoid problems with multihomed PCs.
    • Fix: Scanner: Several channels on Astra 28.2° E, 12207 V were erroneously flagged as data channels due to “hide channel duplicates without Freesat EPG” measures.
    • Added: Hardware: Basic support for Unicable 2 (JESS). Options → Hardware → Unicable allows to configure a device for the conventional (EN 50494) or the advanced (EN 50607) Unicable system, that supports up to 32 user bands (slots) and more than 2 satellite positions.
    • Added: Hardware: Support for DigiBest ISDB-T devices (unencrypted channels only, see [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]).
    • Fix: Hardware: Tuning ATSC frequencies with Hauppauge WinTV-HVR 950Q did not work (see [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]).
    • Added: Hardware: Support for Freenet (SMiT USB Dongle) DVB-T2 Sticks
    • Change/Fix: Downloader: Several enhancements and fixes particularly concerning the handling of errors, HTTPS and user name/password.

    - Windows 10 64bit sürümünde çalıştığı tarafımdan denenmiştir.
    - Windows 10 kullananlar; dosyayı indirirken güvenlik ayarlarını kapatmayı unutmayın.
    - İlk link'teki crack dosyasının zararsız olduğunu, windows güvenlik ayarlarında "dışlamalar" bölümünde tanımlayınız.
    - Virüs uyarısı nedeniyle kurmakta güçlük yaşayanlar, 2 nci link'teki crack dosyasını da kullanabilir.
    - Her iki sürümde crack'lenerek çalıştığı için kayıt yapılamamaktadır. Şimdilik !

    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !

    Orijinal DVBViewer_Pro_setup_v6.1.2.exe dosyası ve crack dosyası.
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    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !
    Konu serkanguzel tarafından (12-10-2019 Saat 07:49 ) değiştirilmiştir.
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  19. #8
    serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    DVBViewer Pro v6.1.4

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    Change Log DVBViewer Pro v6.1.4 ( 28 Ocak 2019 )

    Fix : EPG Window : Text in the simple timeline view was not centered vertically.

    Fix : Recording Timers : Potential access violations or read of undefined (random) memory contents, if the timer list contained timers for the TS Stream reception type.

    Fix : Recording Timers : New timers (particularly those created on the “EPG per Channel” tab of the EPG Window) were not automatically selected and scrolled into view in the Timer Recordings window, if open.

    Fix : Hardware : If the handling of TBS 5520 SE / TBS 5580 / 5590 USB boxes as DVB-S2/T2/C hybrid tuners failed, the whole device initialization failed (see here). Now it falls back to normal mode where the demodulator type has to be selected by using an external TBS switching tool. Failure logging has been added.

    Kayıt işlevi çalışmaktadır.

    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !

    Orijinal DVBViewer Pro v6.1.4 sürümüne ait setup dosyası ve crack dosyası.
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    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !
    Konu serkanguzel tarafından (12-10-2019 Saat 07:50 ) değiştirilmiştir.
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  22. #9
    serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    DVBViewer Pro v6.1.5

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    Change Log DVBViewer Pro v6.1.5 ( 22 Temmuz 2019 )

    Added: Picture in Picture: New items in the PiP context menu:
    Favorite Plus/Minus: Switches PiP playback to the next / previous favorite that is available for PiP. The items are only visible if favorites are configured.

    Channel List: Opens/closes the channel list window or puts it to the front in full screen mode. The window allows to select the channel for PiP playback by right-clicking it and selecting “Picture in Picture” in the context menu (provided there is a tuner available for additionally playing the channel).

    Show in a Separate Window: Switches PiP display to a separate (independent) video window or back to the window embedded in the DVBViewer main window. The separate window can be moved freely to any screen position. Since it redirects keyboard input to the main window, PiP can be controlled as usual with the OSD, particularly with the OSD context menu that appears after pressing OSD Blue (by default F8).

    Full Screen: This item is only available in “separate window” state. The command switches PiP to full screen or back to window mode. The same can be achieved by double-clicking the PiP area. When changing to full screen mode, PiP audio playback is automatically switched on and main window audio playback off. This can be toggled at any time by using the “Picture in Picture Audio on/off” context menu item or clicking the PiP area with the middle mouse button.

    Change: Picture in Picture: Faster channel swapping between Picture in Picture and the Main Window by avoiding unnecessary device deallocation and reallocation if different devices are used. The Channel Plus/Minus items of the OSD context menu for PiP now respond to the “Favorites based OSD navigation” tweak (see Tweaker.exe) by changing to Favorite Plus/Minus.

    Fix: Picture in Picture Options: PiP playback was not rebuilt after a change in the PiP options (e.g. a different decoder). In a new DVBViewer installation PiP used the wrong video renderer as default, though the PiP options displayed the correct one as selected, causing no picture under Windows 10.

    Added: Channel Editor: Picture in Picture tool button and context menu item that plays the selected channel as Picture in Picture. The function is disabled if there is no tuner available for (additionally) playing the channel.

    Fix: Recorder: When recording in MPG format a flag in the video header (sequence parameter set) was changed erroneously, particularly affecting video editing software (see here).

    Fix: Recording Timers: Timers with weekly repetitions for programs that start at or a short time after midnight with a lead time extending into the previous day were not handled correctly and not displayed in the EPG as already scheduled.

    Change: Timer Recordings: DVBViewer omits a forced channel switching caused by a starting timer recording for which the tuner is needed, if timeshift is active and the playback position is in the past (also in pause mode). Although Timeshift recording has to be stopped, the timeshift file is kept, so that timeshift playback can continue. This also applies, if DVBViewer is configured as Media Server client and the server can't deliver the current channel anymore due to a starting timer recording.

    Fix: Media Server Client: If timers were delegated to the Media Server, editing them always let the selection jump to the last added timer in the Timer Recordings window instead of keeping it. Options → DVBViewer Media Server → Download channel logos from the server did not work with logo filenames containing blanks (see here).

    Added: RTSP Client: Automatic port detection if Tvheadend as server uses the non-standard port 9983 for RTSP, because port 554 is not available due to missing Linux root rights. Additionally DVBViewer tries the alternative RTSP standard port 8554, if the “Automatic RTSP server IP:Port correction” tweak is switched on and the configured server is unreachable via the RTSP standard port 554.

    Added: Hardware Options: “Scan Sat>IP Servers” button. It lets DVBViewer search for Sat>IP (RTSP) servers in the home network and automatically insert RTSP network device entries for all tuners (DVB-S/T/C) reported by the server at the top of the device list. Please note that this button is disabled if DVBViewer is configured as Media Server client (see Options → DVBViewer Media Server). In this case the search should be performed in the Hardware Options of the associated Media Server, followed by Help → Media Server Wizard in the DVBViewer client for updating the RTSP network devices, if necessary.

    Change: Hardware Options: Selecting a server in the RTSP Sat>IP settings dialog automatically sets the tuner type to a type offered by the server, if the information is available. Previously it was always set to “Satellite” as default for newly added devices.

    Change: Hardware Options: The “Status” drop-down list (previously offering “Do not use” and “Normal”) has been replaced by a simple “Use device” checkbox below the device list.

    Fix: Hardware Options: After hardware configuration changes DVBViewer did not recalculate if timers can be executed.

    Change: Media Server Wizard: The Wizard does not delete RTSP devices from the device list entries anymore that belong to other Sat>IP servers than the associated DVBViewer Media Server, but only disables them by switching “Use Device” off.

    Added: Main Window: Help → Change Log menu item that displays the DVBViewer change log in the browser. It contains hints for new or changed functions. By using the search function of the browser (Ctrl + F) you can find topics that you are interested in.

    Fix/Change: Recording/Device Statistics Window: Some adjustments on the Device Status tab (automatic adjustment of the column width to the window width, useless device status display removed, the device list did not respond to auto-creation of a new TS Stream device).

    Change: Channel List / Playlist: Enhanced handling of M3U import if additional information preceding the channel name in #EXTINF tags contains commas. Now DVBViewer assumes that the channel name begins after the first comma outside of double quotes.

    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !

    Orijinal DVBViewer Pro v6.1.5 sürümüne ait setup dosyası ve crack dosyası.
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    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !
    Konu serkanguzel tarafından (04-12-2019 Saat 08:46 ) değiştirilmiştir.
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  24. #10
    serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel taninmis sohret sahibi uye serkanguzel - ait Kullanıcı Resmi (Avatar)
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    DVBViewer Pro v6.1.5.2

    [Only registered and activated users can see links. ]

    Change Log DVBViewer Pro v6.1.5.2 ( 7 Eylül 2019 )

    Fix: Hardware: Switching between the DVB-S2/T2/C reception types with the TBS 5580 USB box did not work.

    Fix: Hardware: Auto-detection of DVB-T2 and additional DVB-T2 (MPLP) sub-streams on a channel search and reception of other than the first DVB-T2 sub-stream did not work with TBS devices.

    Added: General: Basic support for the Chinese video format AVS (including AVS+ and AVS2) and the audio format DRA, so that channels that are using these formats can be found with a channel search, received and recorded, but not played yet (see here).

    Change: Picture in Picture: Enhanced resize handling of the separate PiP Window if it sticks to one of the screen edges.

    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !

    "DVBViewer Pro v6.1.5.2" sürümüne ait orijinal setup dosyası ve crack dosyası.
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    En son çıkan sürümler için son mesaja gidiniz !
    Konu serkanguzel tarafından (10-04-2020 Saat 11:31 ) değiştirilmiştir.
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  25. Likes shishmish, Alberto69, BigDVD, marck120 liked this post
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